Monday, March 08, 2010


The answer to the question of the million dollars:
How to cool the planet Earth and to save it of the ominous effects of the global heating?
It is not so easy although in a few last decades, a handful of scientists had come realising concerted efforts to fight the global heating, like for example, to devise a system of solar baffle plates around the Earth orbit to cool the planet.
Other ideas, almost of science fiction are those to dissipate clouds to obtain a greater reflection of the solar energy towards the space and the one to install devices like drains of gases and heat traps in the oceans and seas of the world.
All the previous one has not been viable partly by the policies of the governments of the industrialized countries more like the USA, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, among others nations of the G-20.
In any case, the preoccupation of the scientists, is latent, since possibly the planet could require of a high dose of emergency cooling.
Some organisms like NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCIES of Washington, the University of Arizona, the Max Planck Institute of Germany (including the Nobel prize of chemistry of 1995 Paul J. Crutzen), the Climate Institute in the USA, the Council of scientific Society of the University of Columbia, the protocol of Kyoto signed by the USA, China, and India jointly with the NASA, has sent as surprising theories as those to inject sulphur dioxide in the stratosphere and the installation of great white plastic islands to reflect a greater amount of energy than surpasses 25% that at the moment in the 2010 is reflected to the space.
The summit of Copenhage realised recently in November of the 2009, was merely political and the ecological urgent decisions were not taken; since the subject to save the Earth of the cataclysm is can't be postponed and for this it is precise to obtain a quenching of the planet, falling the electrical in a 75%, to use the 100% of the energies solar, aeolian and hydraulic power consumption and to save potable water to the maximum.
This is not a subject only scientist but economic politician and, inasmuch as the cost could reach several thousands of trillions of dollars and at the moment other more urgent priorities like the extreme hungers, the financial crisis exist, to take care of the disasters, etc… that is to say, the damage of the same climatic change natural.
Chemical Engineering Ricardo William Duarte
Bogota, Colombia.


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